IFU University Juice Processing Summer School 2023
After the successful first edition held in June 2022 the second edtion of the IFU University Juice Processing Summer School 2023 will take place at Parma University, in the Campus Area, from the 20th to the 22nd June 2023.
The course will run over 3 days with a mixture of theoretical lessons combined with practical hands on experience in the laboratory and pilot plant processing areas.
The School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition and IFU offers free participation at the course to
1 student of the following courses of the University of Parma:
Second Cycle Degree Course in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, second year;
Second Cycle Degree Course in Food Safety and Risk Management, second year;
PhD course in Food Sciences, XXXVIII cicle;
1 student of the following courses of the University of Parma:
Second Cycle Degree Course in Engineering for the Food Industry;
PhD course in Industrial Engineering, XXXVIII cicle
If you fall into these categories of students, please find here the call and send your application to advancedstudies@unipr.it
Online registration is available at the following link https://ifu-fruitjuice.com